『貳拾六店』感謝您的選購與信任  Thank you for choosing us!

當然,本商店也在合理之範圍下,接受退換貨需求 : )

We stand behind our goods and services and want customers to be satisfied with them.
We do accept R&E for items purchased online on a case by case basis with the ultimate objective of satisfying our customer.
 — Our philosophy is to deal with them fairly and reasonably; We hope they will be fair and reasonable with us as well. —

★免責聲明★ 本網站所有商品皆為《跨國委任正品代購性質》,買家下訂完成付款後即成立委任,給付賣家代訂海外商品之勞務 (須等14-20個工作天)。委任契約成立後,雙方權利義務悉依民法委任章節規範,即不適用買賣契約相關條例,故無7天鑑賞期。若有商品疑異,請務必留意網路購買的下單意願。若您下單代表您同意此訊息,並請依個人喜好及可接受程度與能力進行適度消費喔 :)

商品無法接受退換貨條件 | products cannot be returned or exchanged (R/E)
* 重大瑕疵等若無事先連絡本商店直接將商品寄回者將無法退換貨 ;
* 限時促銷商品將無法退換貨 ;
* 商品若非重大瑕疵,已換貨一次後將無法再退換貨 ;
* 商品經使用或修改(含剪標)將無法退換貨 ;
* 穿過造成磨損髒污、楦過鞋頭(造成變形) ,將無法退換貨 ;
* 若退貨商品非呈現 [原完整包裝、配件或贈品]:包裝應含鞋盒、等原本應有的附屬配件/出貨單,將無法退換貨 ;
* 因鞋盒屬配件之一,請勿直接以膠帶黏貼或直接將地址寫於鞋盒,一經黏貼毀損,恕無法接受退換貨申請;
* 線頭、釦眼未開、輕微脫線、2cm以下小汙漬、螢幕色差,在國際驗貨標準皆屬可接受範圍內,並不屬於瑕疵,將無法退換貨 ;
* 因海外訂單配送歷程繁複,訂單完成寄出後,恕不接受退換貨。

* If customer did not send the request within 7 days after product received, products cannot be R/E;
* If customer did not contact us before returning or exchanging, products cannot be R/E;
* If product is purchased from outlet , products cannot be R/E;* If product has been exchange once, products cannot be R/E;
* If the product label or tag has been removed or defaced, products cannot be R/E;
* If product has been worn/ dirty/ deformed, products cannot be R/E;
* If the returned product has been used and with incomplete packaging/accessories or gifts:
complete packaging should include original packaging/box/accessories along with the packing slip
* If packaging (considered as one of the accessories) has applied adhesive tape or written with markers
directly/indirectly onto the original product packaging, products cannot be R/E;
* If product is identified within the scope of ‘not affecting the appearance of the product itself’ (such as loose thread,
uncut buttonhole, missing thread, small stain, color/screen display difference), products cannot be R/E;
* If this product is with overseas shipping (due to the complicated procedures), products cannot be R/E;


 [ 特別注意 | ATTENTION ]

* 為避免爭議,請花幾分鐘的時間,實驗收商品後再進行退貨。

* 重大瑕疵定意: 如破損、大片髒污、功能缺陷、大破洞 (直徑超過5公分,無法自行修補) 、
大面積無法清洗掉的髒汙,直徑超過5公分 (可以自行清洗不屬於),

* 以上工作天不含週六、週日及國定例假日。

* 為避免買家漏信,請務必在Email給我們之後的兩日內,

* 當退換商品寄出、或退款完成,系統會發送完成通知信通知您。

* 若退貨金額導致當筆訂單未達免運門檻,則退款金額將扣除當筆運費 ; 請留意不同筆訂單無法做合併計算。

* 如因個人因素退貨次數過多,貳拾六店將暫停出貨終止交易,請您見諒。

* Please take a few minutes to ensure you carefully examine the product before R&E in case of any dispute.
** Significant damage: Such as large areas of torn/dirt/ defects, holes or stains in large areas cannot be cleaned
or repaired by yourself(areas larger than 5 cm)
* Business days – between Monday to Friday (not including weekends & public holidays).
* Please ensure our reply will make it to your inbox after a request was sent (please check the spam or junk folder of your email as well).
if no reply from us after 3 days, please re-send your request.
* A confirmation notice will be sent to your email once the R&E product has been delivered or refund has been made.
* 2wenty6ix will be stopping your order with you if too many returns/exchanges are made.