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2WENTY6IX CO. one owned collect inform

2wenty6ix Co. website, in order to ensure the protection of consumers’ personal information, privacy and consumer interests in the transaction process will use the personal information of consumers, I would like to in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 8 provisions to inform the following matters:

1.To collect the purpose and manner The Company’s gathering aims for customer management, membership management and marketing and internal survey and analysis of the (statutory particular purpose item number 037, 066, 022, 060, 097). Gathering methods to collect personal information through the Member or purchase order fill.

2.Collect the types of personal data The company web site to collect personal information including

1. C001: identify an individual, such as the consumer’s name, address, phone, e-mail and other information.
2. C011 Personal Description: such as gender, nationality, date of birth.

3. C038 jobs. 3.The period of use, areas, objects and the way Period: during the operations of the Company. Areas: consumers’ personal information will be used in Taiwan and oversea.
The use of objects and the way: consumers’ personal data collection, will have the following utilization: In addition to the member for the Company management, customer management, retrieval query
* Used to send items: It’s related products to consumers’ personal information used for delivery to the related logistics, mailing vendors for the purpose of the items sent.
* Financial transactions and authorized: financial information, consumers will be the process of financial transactions (such as credit card authorization, transfer) submitted to the financial institutions to complete financial transactions.
* Marketing: The company will use the consumer addresses and e-mail, product promotional marketing of the company or partners.

4.The rights of consumers’ personal information Consumers delivery of the company’s personal information, according to one owned law may exercise the following rights:

First, Inquiries or requests for access.
Second, the request made to the copy of this.
Third, the request to add or correct.
Forth, The request to stop the collection, processing or use.
Fifth, The request to delete.

Consumer delivery of the Company Profile Send promotion will be based on the information and company regulations, VIP cards, activities and special events, such as DM promotions.
Such as the consumer did not truthfully provide personal information, and will not be able to enjoy these rights.
If you want to enjoy the special offers consumers provided by the Company, call contact our Customer Service to supplement or correct the information.
Consumers who do not want to receive these special offers can also contact us to stop the service of the company’s customer service requirements.